Kylie Martin, Student Life Editor

If you have got a cerebrally-stimulating, positively mind-boggling passion for the brain and are eager to learn more and meet individuals that share your interest, look no further than the Undergraduate Society of Psychology and Neuroscience (USPN).
USPN is an organization for undergraduate students with an interest in psychology and neuroscience to come together, receive unique opportunities and resources, and learn more about the prospective fields.
In 2020, a pre-health group chat began to discuss the lack of student organizations and clubs for psychology and neuroscience available on campus. That is when Joann Elmasri, the current USPN president, and several other students decided to found USPN at UM-Dearborn, which has attracted students from all three University of Michigan campuses over the past few years.
“[We] decided to have an organization to help not only psychology students, but anyone who has an interest in psychology or neuroscience,” said Elmasri.
USPN begins each semester with a picnic party to meet all new or returning members. Elmasri says that most frequently in recent years, USPN has hosted guest speaker events for professors of psychology or neuroscience to discuss internships and possible career options with USPN members.
In upcoming semesters, USPN plans to branch out to other types of events and activities. Within the first week of February, USPN will be hosting a winter clothing drive. This was suggested by a student member who works in a hospital psych unit and noticed the large number of patients who do not have clothing that is sufficient for the freezing winter weather.
By the end of the semester, USPN plans to do a panel discussion with graduate students in psychology and neuroscience to talk about their experiences up to that point. Additionally, Elmasri has shared her desire to host a separate panel discussion for undergraduate students in psychology and neuroscience that aren’t interested in graduate school to discuss all the opportunities and career paths in the fields that can be reached without a Master’s degree.
For students interested in joining USPN, Elmasri says they can join easily through VictorsLink or by contacting She also suggests subscribing to their monthly newsletter in order to stay on top of all USPN functions and events.